Give the gift of life: A critical shortage of blood on reserve in Tucson is generating concern. The Red Cross will hold an emergency blood drive today from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Senior Ballroom of the Memorial Student Union. All blood types are needed, especially Type O. The relatively painless procedure takes 45 minutes, which includes a 35-minute medical intake and a 10-minute blood draw. After you experience that warm fuzzy feeling that you have saved a future accident victim, the agency will provide an open bar - juice, coffee, caffeinated and caffeine-free sodas, Chips Ahoy, Oreos and Nutter Buddies. Contact Vikki Fernette at 623-0541 extension 141 for more information.
The Building Academic Community Speaker Series continues today at noon in Gallagher Theatre with a lecture by Ana Perches, Faculty Fellow and lecturer in the modern languages department, specializing in the Spanish and Portuguese languages. She will speak on the subject of "Octavio Paz: Mazes, Masks, Mirrors - Gazing into Mexican Identity" until 1 p.m. Food for thought is free, but food for your body is not - bring your own lunch if you like. Contact Sue Robison at 621-4700 for details.
You can still keep up with the political scene, even if you didn't vote yesterday. The UA-BPW is sponsoring the second of many meetings in the Legislative Forum Series today from noon to 1 p.m. Rep. Andy Nichols (D-District 13) will be speaking in the Tucson Room at the Memorial Student Union. Come out and stump him with your educated questions about his position to the community at large. This series is co-sponsored by the Staff Advisory Council, BETA, UA Faculty Senate and the United Staff Council.
The Center of Middle Eastern Studies Video Presentation program starts today at high noon. Be in Room 204 of the Franklin Building to catch the Classic Films Series, which begins with "Unity" and ends with "Nomad and City." The first film, shown for the first time on video, is a survey of Islamic culture with a focus on Western appreciation of its contributions to world civilization. The second film focuses on the differences between nomadic and traditional city life in an Islamic country, yet emphasizes the two lifestyles' mutual dependence upon and shared commitment to Islam. Should be quite interesting - call Karen Galindo at 621-8079 to find out more.
The Department of Chemistry is conducting two guest-lecture seminars this afternoon. Pavel Kocovsky of the University of Leicester, United Kingdom, will share his thoughts on "Transmetalation: Catalysis in Organic Synthesis" in Room 216 of the Chemical & Biological Sciences building at 3 p.m. Michael P. Doyle knows all about it - contact him at 626-4815. Then, an hour later, Craig E. Lunte of the University of Kansas discusses "Capillary Electrophoresis of Physiological Samples: Issues of Injection and Detection" in Chemical & Biological Sciences building Room 218. Questions about this talk go to Vicki H. Wysocki at 621-2628.
The Department of Physics is presenting another part of its Colloquium today from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Room 201 of Physics-Atmospheric Sciences. When you ask, "What's up with the Stars"?, Chares H. Townes gives you an answer. This man was a Nobel Laureate in Physics in 1964, so he knows what's going on up there. The subject of the lecture is how intereferometry in the infrared region of old and variable stars can help confirm theoretical expectations and bring to light surprising new information on star behavior and characteristics. All Trekkies, get it together get to the lecture. Hungry? Arrive early and enjoy free refreshments in Room 218 at 3:30 p.m.
Deadlines are approaching for the first English papers of the semester - feeling nervous? Whether you are drowning in a sea of rhetoric or just want to hone those composition skills, Kendra Gaines (Writing Skills Improvement Program) is here to help. She will be giving a seminar titled "Critical or Rhetorical Analysis: Close Reading" from 5 to 6 tonight in Modern Languages Room 310. Gaines is participating in the Writing About Literature Workshops series. For more information on this or any of the upcoming lectures, contact Donna Rabuck at 621-5849.