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By Kim Stravers (Compiler)
Arizona Daily Wildcat
October 9, 1998
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Science movies - oh boy! The physics department is heading up a series of science films this semester, which run every Friday from 11 a.m. to noon. Carl Sagan's "Cosmos" is the focus of the series. Catch it for free in Room 201 of the Physics and Atmospheric Sciences building. Larry Hoffman can take your questions at 621-6826.

Unless you've been living under the proverbial rock, you are aware that today begins Family Weekend. Various events have been painstakingly planned by the UA to help make your weekend with the family fun. Sit in on a class, meet and greet UA faculty, staff, and administrators, and tour our lovely campus till Sunday. Oh, and don't forget the Big Game - kickoff is at 7:30 p.m. Saturday night. Call the Family Weekend Office at 626-4054 for an itemized calendar of events - or just look at the supplement folded into this paper.

The event formerly known as Tucson Meet Yourself is making its debut this afternoon. Take a trip downtown to El Presidio Park (115 N. Church Ave.) to participate in the Tucson Heritage Experience Festival. Savor the diverse food selection and be entertained by two stages worth of artists and musicians from noon to 10 p.m. The event is sponsored by the Cultural Exchange Council of Tucson. Call Dennis Evans at 621-3701 for details.

Feast your eyes on the flavorful diversity of dance tonight at the Family Ties Concert. (Note: It has absolutely nothing to do with Michael J. Fox.) The UA Dance Division is sponsoring Dance: Our Windows to the World at 5:30 p.m. in the Ina Gittings Dance Theater. Faculty works by Amy Ernst, Nina Janik, Melissa Lowe, Susan Quinn and Michael Williams will be presented as the Flamenco, Irish Reel, Chinese Long Ribbon Dance, Salsa and Paquita are performed. A brief reception will be hosted by the Dance Advisory Board and the UA Dance Division. Tickets are $8 - contact the Dance Division at 621-4698 for more information.

The Center for Creative Photography is at it again this weekend. From noon till 5 p.m. you can view the "Comparative Concepts" Exhibition for free. The works of August Sander, Karl Blossfeldt, Albert Renger-Patzsch and Bernd and Hiller Becher will be on display to illustrate an influential tradition of German photography. If you have questions, the CCP may be reached at 621-7968.

Witness the beginning of a bloody fight to the finish! Better yet, participate. The Red Cross will be sponsoring the Kick-Off for the Blood Donor Challenge against ASU Saturday morning between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Students, faculty/staff and family members are encouraged to contribute a pint at the Cactus Garden on the UA Mall. The actual challenge runs from Oct. 19 to Oct. 23 - if we have a great turnout, the UA could be in for its eighth win in a row! And if that isn't a good enough incentive, every donor will receive a Challenge T-shirt (and juice and cookies if you happen to pass out). This event is sponsored by the Family Weekend Office, but contact Vikki Fernette at the Red Cross for more information. Her number is 623-0541, ext. 141.

In honor of Earth Science Week, the Flandrau Science Center and Mineral Museum has planned a Mineral Museum Open House. Admission to Flandrau and the Museum from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday afternoon is free, and free minerals will be available to children. Check out demonstrations, exhibits and much more. Free parking at the Cherry Street Garage, too. Call Pete Kresan at 621-6000 for further information.

The "righteous babe" is back! UA's Centennial Hall is proud to present Ani DiFranco Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $25 for floor, $22 for balcony seating. The Centennial Hall Box Office has more information for you at 621-3341.