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Questions about tenure

By Miklos N. Szilagyi
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 9, 1998
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To the editor,

It is encouraging that Vice Provost Eugene Sander recognizes the dangers inherent in the post-tenure review system of our university.

Professor Peter Medine expressed his views on this system at the forum organized by the UA Chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP). It is regrettable that Vice Provost Ervin called Medine's speech a "disservice to faculty members."

Is it a disservice to alert our colleagues to potential dangers? Is it a disservice to protect our academic freedom? Is it a disservice to exercise our constitutional right to free speech?

I have two questions for Vice Provost Ervin. 1) How is the cost of the Post-Tenure Review system in human energy, time, and money justified? 2) What kind of a tenure is it that we must defend every year?

Miklos N. Szilagyi
Professor of electrical and computer engineering
President of the UA Chapter of AAUP