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UA students wish a happy birthday to Student Union

By Genevieve D. Cruise
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 17, 1998
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Randy Metcalf
Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Student Union celebrates its 47th birthday today. The Union opened Nov. 17, 1951, and additions were built in 1971. It's due for another renovation.

A lone trumpet sounded 47 years ago as UA officials dedicated the newly built Memorial Student Union to war veterans.

As University of Arizona students celebrate the Student Union's birthday at 1 p.m. today by eating free cake in front of its red-brick facade, the now out-dated building is facing destruction. Sweeping renovations, estimated at $60 million, could soon change the look and form of the building.

UA officials plan to announce in December which of the four architecture firms vying for the union renovation project will get the job.

"Renovation of the entire facility is necessary," said Colleen Morgan, UA risk management safety officer, referring to a recent 19-page Arizona State Fire Marshal report.

The basement lacks three-fourths the sprinkler system necessary for its size, exit signs are not clearly marked and some corridors are longer than what the safety code requires, Morgan said.

Although Student Union officials have done a thorough job in correcting the less-drastic violations, much of the renovation is costly and needs to be done, she said.

The Student Union was build in the late 1940s with $1 million raised by the UA Alumni Association and through bonds and a State Legislature contribution.

Student Union staff, which included 150 people in 1951, has grown to more than 800. The cafeteria, which fed 500 back in the days of bob haircuts and poodle skirts, has grown to serve five times as many people.

By the 1960s, students did the pony on Louie's Lower Level's dirt floor that was coated with a thick layer of saw dust for dances and socials.

The basement grew when Sam's Place was added in 1966. It is now 80,000 square feet.

In 1971 - the latest addition to the building - Gallagher Theatre, the Union Club and 280 rooms were constructed. Gallagher, originally the women's physical education room, is not included in plans for the renovated Student Union.

Dan Adams, Memorial Student Union director, said Gallagher is not in strong working condition.

"We are concerned about its stability," said Adams. "The structure is not sound."

Open 18 hours a day, seven days a week, the Student Union houses more than 400 student organizations and sponsors about 200 programs a year.

The Student Union also boasts three art galleries.

"I love my job at the information desk right in the center of activity," finance junior Steve Kelly said about the Student Union. After all, "without the Union there is no center of activity."

Genevieve D. Cruise can be reached via e-mail at Genevieve.D.Cruise@wildcat.arizona.edu.