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Thank your parents

By Leslee Kientzler
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 25, 1998
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To the editor,

This is in response to the Brad Wallace's column "Aged in America" published in the Nov. 17 Wildcat. As I watch my parents becoming older, I am confronted with the possibility of my parents needing care. As an only child, I am assigned full responsibility. But you brought up an excellent point in your column - seeing aging parents as a burden. If only people could see this as an opportunity and not a chore.

From the time I was born my parents have given of themselves. They have sacrificed their time together, giving generously financially and supported me even when I was at my worst. I can think of no greater joy than to return their gift by being there for them. My family is the most precious thing in my life. If we are lucky, we share many years with our parents. It would be inconceivable to me to turn my back on my parents in their later years and it would be my loss to do so.

So thank you for bringing out a subject that many of us are not even thinking about yet as we shuttle from class to class, hanging out with friends and freely living in this wonderful time of our lives.

This Thanksgiving break, please take time to thank those people who were there for you all their lives. And stop and think what they have given you. I know I will. We should all be so lucky to watch our parents in their later years enjoy a "mean game of gin," but if we are not, take advantage of the time you have with them; even if it means a sacrifice.

Leslee Kientzler
Agriculture education senior