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What if they scared a police dog?

By Dave Keal
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 25, 1998
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To the editor,

First of all let me say that I somewhat admire the skateboarders and their ability that gets them quickly around campus. Also, I'm sure that it's only a very few of them that are guilty of terrorizing dogs or anyone for that matter.

I'm not taking the side of guilty skateboarders, but what if they happened to terrorize a police service dog? What if the victim belonged to a U.S. customs agent? What would the reaction be then?

I'm sure that it would then become a very big deal and all skateboarders would be labeled. By the way, I'm not a skateboarder. I just don't care for the nonchalant attitude we sometimes see when dealing with law enforcement or "the establishment" when the common person is being harassed.

Dave Keal
Biochemistry freshman