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Campus honoraries deliver Thanksgiving to Tucson families

By Jesus Lopez Jr.
Arizona Daily Wildcat
November 25, 1998
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Students crammed into cars last night to cruise around Tucson and give families something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving.

University of Arizona's honoraries scrounged up more than $2,400 out of their own pockets to buy food for 15 needy families.

Last night's drive raised more money and attracted more volunteers than in either of the last two years.

Kaleen Love, political science and economics junior and president of Chain Gang Junior Honorary, organized the food drive her freshman year. This year, Love matched the largest individual donation herself - $257.

She encouraged participants to grab a list of addresses, a map, a calculator and to be enthusiastic.

Volunteers bought a variety of food and delivered it to families as far away as Vail, southeast of Tucson.

Six honoraries including Sophos, Chain Gang, Chimes, Mortar Board, Bobcats and Primus participated in the event.

Albertson's grocery store donated free turkeys and will offer gift certificates for families to use after Thanksgiving.

Charisma Montes de Oca, music and composition senior and president of Mortar Board, said her club donated $107 for the food drive, its philanthropic event of the month. It is the senior honorary's first time participating in the Thanksgiving event.

"I am absolutely amazed with what people have done," said classics sophomore Naomi Horgensen, president of Sophos Sophomore Honorary. "This completely exceeded any expectations I had - I can't believe how much people were willing to give out of their own pockets for this."

Jennifer Marquez, a physiology freshman in Primus Freshman Honorary, said she was glad she had the opportunity to take the food to people's houses.

"You actually see who you are doing it for," she said.

Jesus Lopez Jr. can be reached via e-mail at Jesus.Lopez.Jr@wildcat.arizona.edu.