Cat Calls
Admit it - many of you were lured to the UA by promises of year-round tans. Sounds good, but not so smart. Find out what toll the 110-degree summers have taken on your epidermis today at the Skin Cancer Screening in the Rincon Room of the Student Union. UA Life and Work Connections will have people staffing the booth from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. to assess the damage and remind you to wear sunscreen. Call Britt Bensen at 621-8717 for more information.
First, they were "bra-burners." Then, "femiNazis." Feminism has changed a lot over the last few decades, and it's time for a re-evaluation of the movement. Wahneema Lubiano (Duke University) will encourage you to start "Letting go of Feminist Mastery Dreams: Thinking Feminism Through the Lens of Nationalism, Globalism and Race Representation" at today's version of the Looking Back, Moving Forward, 151 Years After Seneca Falls Lecture Series. Join her in room 110 of the Economics building at 3 p.m. for a fresh perspective on the complex nexus of women's rights. The UA Women's Studies Advisory Council is sponsoring this event - call the Women's Studies Department at 621-7338 for details.
Forget where you parked your car? Think you're going senile at an early age? Well, if you can remember, come to room 306 of the Psychology building at 4 p.m. today for a teasing glimpse of "The Architecture of Working Memory." This Psychology Seminar will be hosted by John Jonides, who is visiting us from the University of Michigan. Contact the Psychology Department at 621-7447 for the lowdown.
Unlike our school-soaked brains, which often crack under stress, rocks and such undergo some amazing mutations when exposed to pressure. (Think diamonds, etc.) See (or, at least, hear about) some fine examples of sub-crust squeezing today at the Geosciences Seminar. Russ Hemley (Carnegie Institution of Washington) gives you the dirt (ha, ha) on "Pressure-Induced Transformations of Deep Earth Materials" at 4:15 p.m. in room 230 of the Marley building. The Department of Geosciences at 621-6024 for further information.
The UA is such a microcosm: you can eat here, you can study here, you can work here, and you can also catch some pretty good shows. As yet another reason for you to never go home, Rising Star Entertainment (of the University Activities Board) has charmed the members of four bands into performing for you tonight in the Cellar. The "Flippsyde" Concert, featuring Interlocking Groove, Groove Box, Stuck in a Groove (notice a theme?) and Plus, will start at 7:30 p.m. for a small admission price of $5. Jeff Niederdeppe can give you a fuller description of the lineup at 621-5779.
Can't cash your paycheck in time to come up with that $5? Well, make sure you get your money-maker to the bank in time to withdraw that same amount for the Herbs & Spices party scheduled for Saturday night. Shake that hard-workin' booty from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. in a mysterious new warehouse of yet-undisclosed location. There's house, there's trance, there's hip-hop, and there's a free mixtape to the first fifty people who show up. Call 531-3624 for directions.