The Wildcat Online runs photo spreads whenever we can, usually on a weekly basis. We scan the photos that didn't make it into the newspaper and post them for our web
Last year's photospreads can be found here.
(Comments can be sent to the Webmaster)

Drag Show on the Mall, Oct. 10, 1998
The yearly tradition continues, as UA students and other Tucsonites mark National Coming Out Day with a drag show on the UA Mall.

Garbage, Phoenix, Oct. 8, 1998
Our extra photos of Garbage's October 4th gig in Phoenix highlight Shirley Manson, Shirley Manson, and...Shirley Manson. Nobody has complained so far...

Metallica, Phoenix, Sept. 11, 1998
Metallica comes to Blockbuster Desert Sky Pavilion, havoc and chaos ensue. A dark and scary photospread for a dark and scary band.
"One hell of a show," according to our photographer.

Tori Amos, Phoexnix, Sept. 27, 1998
From the arts desk, nice color shots of Tori's 'slinky, raucous, emotionally-charged performance'. Matched with an accompanying review.