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Search for new provost narrowed to five
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The search to fill the position of provost and senior vice president for academic affairs has been narrowed to five candidates. The position was opened when current University of Arizona provost Paul Sypherd announced in November that he would step down at the end of this academic year.
Selling themselves
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Sophomore Alexis Shubin is a skilled water polo player, able to avoid opponents with surprising quickness and the ability to fool opposing goaltenders with her deadly shot.
Despite her talent in the pool, Shubin's true talent may be sales.
Additional funding only part of fix
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The state Legislature may be continuing the effort to raise money for the state's education system. However, unless other problems within the system improve, more money will not solve anything.
Governor Jane Hull said last week that she plans to hold a special legislative session to discuss a bill that would raise state sales tax 0.6 percent and bring $440 million into the state education system.
Moby brings music, perspective to Tucson
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As American college students gear up for lives in the turbulent professional world, pop-artist Moby said they should be happy with the opportunity that awaits them - especially given the obstacles facing others worldwide.
"To be honest with you, I don't see that young adults in America really face any great obstacle," he said. "I'm not saying it is easy to be a young adult in the United States in the year 2000. I'm just saying the fact is that we have low unemployment, and we're not at war with anyone."