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Record Spring Fling attendance may still cost UA money
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Despite record attendance at this year's off-campus Spring Fling, the UA student-run carnival might still end up losing money, the carnival's director said.
Craig Haubrich, executive director of Spring Fling, said a number of factors affected the carnival's overall profit.
"To be honest, as it's looking right now, we lost money," Haubrich said.
The evolution
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Perhaps it was former UA guard and future NCAA coach Josh Pastner who said it best.
"The great thing about being a freshman is that you eventually become a sophomore," he said.
This statement holds water for sophomore-to-be Gilbert Arenas, who has experienced what it is like to be a freshman, and now wants the title erased from his name.
Psychology department should be forthright with animal testing
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Development of a new primate testing lab in the Psychology building has sparked a heated debate among animal rights activists and researchers.
Recently, word has spread across the Internet about the new lab, which would use monkeys to seek out better ways to cure amnesia among epileptic patients who have a portion of their brains removed.
'Frequency' maintains willing suspension of disbelief
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The premise of the upcoming film "Frequency" is a bit hokey and a lot contrived.
Due to the unusual presence of the northern lights over the New York sky, John Sullivan (Jim Caviezel) can cruise 30 years into the past to talk to his late father Frank (Dennis Quaid) over a ham radio.
Exactly how this is possible is superficially answered with quasi-scientific techno-babble about string theory and a multi-dimensional universe, but the audience - just as much as the filmmakers - knows the "how" of it really does not matter.