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GOP candidates attack Bush, Clinton at debate
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In a one-hour debate last night at Grady Gammage Auditorium, four of the Republican candidates explained their views on a number of issues while taking time to bash the Clinton administration, as well as their missing Republican counterpart, Texas Gov. George W. Bush.
Even the audience took part in poking fun at Bush's absence. After the candidates were introduced, one audience member shouted out, "Where's Bush?"
UA women's soccer coach stepping down
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Amid pressure from her players that included a petition calling for her resignation, UA women's soccer head coach Lisa Fraser quit the team Friday, citing personal reasons.
"We just sat down and talked about the season," Fraser said. "It ended on a positive note (with a win over Oregon State and a tie against Oregon) and I thought it would be best for the team."
Editorial: Ending ASUA primary elections good in theory
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A proposal to eliminate the ASUA primary elections procedure ought to be put into action.
When ASUA Elections Commissioner Gloria Montano proposed that primaries involving two or less candidates ought to be eliminated from the elections process, she was proposing a plan that makes sense for the UA as a whole.
One man's garbage is another man's treasure
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Ninety minutes before Lit took the stage Saturday night at UA Centennial Hall to open things up for Garbage, bassist Kevin Baldes sat backstage, attempting to chill.
After nine years of hard work, the band is in the middle of its first big-time tour. Baldes still hasn't figured out a way to get calm before the show.