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Friday February 23, 2001

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Survey says...UA campus is squeaky clean

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In its continuing quest to edify the student body, Campus Health has put out a series of flyers that are visible in ads here in the Wildcat, and on various places around campus. These ads encourage us to act like good citizens, and not drink too much or smoke. They use numbers to support their claims, and it's really too bad that we don't have the original data presented for our edification.

"Sixty-four percent of UA students have four drinks or less when they party," one ad says.

Thus, 36 percent of them can't remember how much they had to drink last time they partied.

So, on a given Thursday night, 10,800 students from this institute of higher learning are wandering around East University Boulevard not knowing where they are or what they are doing. Of course, just the phrasing of the statement excludes the significant proportion of students who don't think it's a party if they've had less than five drinks.

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