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Monday February 26, 2001

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ASUA presidential candidates prepare for primary


The four candidates are: Seth Frantzman, a history and political science senior and ASUA senator; Kristel Miller, a political science and English sophomore and ASUA senator; Tiffany Podbielski, a political science junior and ASUA adminstrative vice president and Ray Quintero, a marketing junior and Arizona Students Association co-director.

Elections begin at 8 a.m. tomorrow and continue through 8 p.m. on Wednesday.

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UA's SETA protests Tucson rodeo

Animal rights groups show their frustration with rodeo practices

Rodeo enthusiasts attending Tucson's annual La Fiesta de los Vaqueros were greeted yesterday by UA protesters who hoped to teach fans about animal cruelty.

About 25 activists protested the treatment of the animals, picketing the rodeo grounds with signs that read "Contest of Cruelty" and "Buck the Rodeo" for nearly two hours. Activists chanted "stop the cruelty, stop the rodeo" as rodeo fans made their way to the stadium gate.

The University of Arizona's SETA - Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - group meets to protest events, such as rodeos and circuses, and has about 25 members, said president Reasa Haggard.

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Arizona torches ASU, finishes undefeated at home

It was the perfect finish to a nearly perfect season for the Arizona hockey team.

The Icecats swept Arizona State over the weekend - 6-4 and 4-2 - to finish the regular season undefeated at home (17-0-1) and 29-2-1 overall.

Though the wins against in-state rival ASU were a sweet finish to a near-perfect home record, they did not affect UA's playoff status.

The seeds for the American Collegiate Hockey Association national championship tournament - which begins Thursday at the Tucson Convention Center - were established prior to this weekend's series.

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ASUA needs to replace the mic with an old-fashioned handshake

ASUA, the student government body charged with representing UA students, approved an open-mic forum Wednesday to be held once a semester on the Mall.

Sen. Gino Duran proposed the idea to the Associated Students of the University of Arizona in an attempt to keep his campaign promise to reach out to undergraduate students. The newly established Special Senate Committee for Student Forums will transcribe student concerns at the forums and will present a report to the Senate.

Duran almost had it.

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KAMP radio anticipate low-power FM license

You can still be hanged for stealing a person's horse in Arizona.

In 1000 B.C., the Israelites paid their taxes with raisins.

"Video Killed the Radio Star" was the first video to premiere on MTV on Aug. 1, 1981. The millionth video to air on MTV was "Video Killed the Radio Star," aired on Feb. 27, 2000. It is the third most aired video in MTV history.

In the 1860s, Arizona had a navy which deployed two boats on the Colorado River to prevent California from encroaching on the territory.

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Fast facts: Monday February 26, 2001

Onions get their distinctive smell by soaking up sulfur from the soil.

Before the 1800s, there were no separately designed shoes for right and left feet.

During the Cambrian period, about 500 million years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long.

Flamingo tongues were a common delicacy at Roman feasts.

Hannibal had only one eye after getting a disease while attacking Rome.