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Friday September 8, 2000

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Likins hosts town hall meeting today

By Emily Severson

Arizona Daily Wildcat

Question-and-answer session 1st of 4 this year

UA President Likins today will host a question-and-answer session open for all students, faculty and staff to express their concerns or comments.

"The meeting was planned in an effort to meet with anybody on campus that wants to voice a concern," said Sharon Kha, University of Arizona spokeswoman.

Likins is not planning to address any issues - the point of the meeting is to respond to questions from students, Kha added.

The town hall meeting will be held from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Kiva Auditorium in the Education building.

The meeting will start with a short presentation from Likins and will proceed to a question-and-answer session with the audience.

Several Associated Students representatives will discuss issues like advising, Likins' plans for the UA fundraising campaign and his efforts to increase funding from state legislatures, said Ben Graff, ASUA president.

"Likins is the first president in the last 15 years to really try to be accessible to students and faculty," Graff said.

Graff added that he approves of Likins' effort to understand students' opinions.

Other ASUA senators will also talk about their platform concerns.

"If I get called on, I plan to ask him about the hours of the (Memorial) Student Union because I don't feel that they are open at times that are convenient to students," said Kristel Miller, an ASUA senator.

Senators will also listen to what their fellow students are concerned about, said Tiffany Podbielksi, ASUA's administrative vice president.

Another town hall meeting will be held Oct. 3, and two more will be held in the spring semester.

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