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Friday February 9, 2001

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Camp Wildcat wins $1,000 grant for casino night

By Emily Severson and Maya Schechter

Arizona Daily Wildcat

With the help of the DM Federal Credit Union fundraising grant, Camp Wildcat will host a casino night to provide not only entertainment for UA students, but to raise money for the club.

Jeremy Chambers, camp coordinator for Camp Wildcat, accepted the $1,000 grant on behalf of the club at last night's Associated Students Senate meeting.

Camp Wildcat - a University of Arizona organization which works with Tucson's disadvantaged children - won for having the most creative fundraising event out of 49 clubs that applied.

The casino night will be held March 8 in the Arizona Ballroom from 7-11 p.m. Students will purchase raffle tickets to use as chips and will gamble to win various prizes.

"The prizes will range from trips to Las Vegas, bikes, and food certificates," said Chambers, an anthropology senior. "It should be a lot of fun for students, and we hope we will raise a lot of money."

ASUA President Ben Graff said he especially liked Camp Wildcat's idea of incorporating a booth to educate students on gambling addictions.

"Basically, the point of the grant is to get clubs to look into creative fund-raisers," Graff said.

The money raised will go toward a weekend camping trip for Tucson Unified School District elementary students and 80 UA student volunteers on the weekend of April 20 at the Whispering Pines campsite on Mt. Lemmon.

"Camp Wildcat is awesome," Sen. Rebecca Broky said last night. "It is a wonderful organization to win."

Plans for Spring Fling 2001 were also unveiled at the Senate meeting by Jana Brewer, Spring Fling coordinator.

The event will be held at Rillito Downs, 4201 N. First Ave. on April 5-8. There will be non-stop shuttles from the UA campus to Rillito Downs by Arizona Stagecoach.

"We had an amazing turnout last year and we expect the same this year," Brewer said.

Brewer also announced the Spring Fling daily themes and times of operation.

In other new business, the Senate approved a $7,166.42 Appropriations Board consent agenda for seven UA clubs.

Three of the clubs - Arnold Air Society, Alpha Kappa Psi and the Society of Civil Engineers - received funding to send members to out-of-state conferences.

Comedy Corner was given $2,265.50 to host a workshop for UA students on March 13, with a performance in Centennial Hall that evening.

One of UA's senior honoraries, Mortar Board, received $539 to host a "Mortar Board Week." The activities on the Mall, similar to Homecoming Week, will begin Monday, said Sen. Roby Schapira, Appropriations Board chair.