Monday August 20, 2001 |
| 102 years of UA student press
Record number of new freshmen cited as main problem for housing crunch
More than 200 students arriving at the UA this fall have had to change their housing plans just slightly.
Due to a shortage of housing space, many students who expected to begin the year in a dorm room have instead been assigned to live in converted study rooms, computer labs and residence hall lounges. Still others were temporarily placed in hotel rooms or assigned to live with one of the residence halls' resident assistants.
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7:30 - UA Rec Center
Feature Photo
MATT HEISTAND/Arizona Daily Wildcat
New UA head football coach John Mackovic signs autographs for some Tucson children during UA Fan Appreciation Night on Saturday in Arizona Stadium. After the autograph session, Mackovic coached the team during their intersquad scrimmage in front of and estimated 3,200 fans. The football team kicks off their season Aug. 30 against San Diego State in San Diego, Calif.
UCSD experiencing housing shortage similar to that of UA
Though this year's housing shortage may seem like a situation unique to Tucson, the University of Arizona is not the only school forced to seek alternative housing for its students.
This fall's freshman class is also causing trouble at other western universities, including the University of California San Diego in La Jolla, Calif.
UCSD plans to reject over 700 housing applications, while the University of San Diego may be short 120 spaces.
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Offense sputters, defense dominates in scrimmage
Offense shows lack of 'polish' in scrimmage
If Saturday night's "Fan Appreciation Night" and intersquad scrimmage showed 3,200 UA football fans anything, it's that change doesn't happen overnight, or at least over a summer.
The defense was dominant in the 90-minute scrimmage, tallying nine sacks and three interceptions, making the first fall scrimmage under new head coach John Mackovic look quite a bit like the "Red-Blue" scrimmages from the Dick Tomey era.
Staff Opinion
The University of Arizona is once again cramming its new freshmen into unacceptable accommodations. Freshmen are not only finding themselves shoved in study rooms and spare bunks in resident assistant rooms, but in hotels miles from campus. This is a recurring theme of the UA and a problem that has no end in sight as long as UA administration and the Department of Residence Life continue to treat this situation as a minor problem.
Upcoming Centennial season to focus on worldly performances
Globalization is the word of the day. But with protests at G8 summits from Genoa to Seattle, Ken Foster, executive director of UApresents, thinks too much of the focus has been on the economics of this borderless world.
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