Friday Feb. 15, 2002
Students have difficulty with Web resource
Most WebCT problems result from incompatible computer settings
The answer to some students' problems with an Internet resource required for many classes may be no more than a few mouse clicks away.
The Center for Computing and Information Technology receives a steady stream of questions from students who use WebCT, a course-management tool that allows students to complete assignments, view grades and access other course resources for more than 400 classes.
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Fast facts:
A "pogonip" is a heavy winter fog containing ice crystals.
A cold front travels at a speed of about 30 miles per hour - faster than the fastest person can run - and may overtake any warm front ahead of it. The resulting mix of air is called an "occluded" front.
A cumulonimbus cloud can be enormous: six miles across and eleven miles high, twice as high as Mount Everest.
A sizable oak tree, during the typical growing season, gives off 28,000 gallons of moisture.
A thousand tons of meteor dust fall to Earth every day.
About 110,000 million tons of carbon dioxide enter the atmosphere each year as the result of burning fossil fuels.
On this date:
In 1799, the first printed U.S. ballots were authorized in Pennsylvania.
In 1903, the first teddy bear was introduced in America by Morris and Rose Michtoma and was named after Teddy Roosevelt.
In 1961, the entire U.S. figure skating team, with 18 members, dies in the Belgian Sabena 707 crash.
In 1965, Canada replaced the Union Jack flag with the maple leaf flag.
In 1971, after 1200 years, Britain abandoned the 12-shilling system for a decimal monetary system.
In 1992, Jeffrey Dahmer, by jury vote, was found sane and guilty of killing 15 boys.
In 1993, the Howard Stern Radio Show premiered in Rochester, N.Y., on WNVE 95.1 FM.
"Only Nazis could have thought of such bombing of villages. The aim of the aggression was obviously to break the whole nation, to throw Serbia back to the Stone Age."
- A claim by Slobodan Milosevic, the former Serb leader who is on trial for war crimes during the Kosovo conflict, about NATO bombing missions and the illegality of allied attacks.
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