Monday Feb. 25, 2002
State workers may receive smaller raises
House, Senate could begin negotiating 2.5 percent pay increase this week
State employees, including UA faculty and staff, may receive smaller-than-expected pay raises this year, but Senate Democrats say they oppose eliminating them entirely as Gov. Jane Dee Hull proposed.
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Fast facts:
Millions of meteorites fall against the outer limits of the atmosphere every day and are burned to nothing by the friction.
On Venus, the Sun rises in the west and sets in the east, the opposite of the Earth.
Venus rotates from east to west, not from west to east as the Earth and the other planets do.
Estimates are that at least a million meteors have hit Earth's land surface, which is only 25 percent of the planet. Every last trace of more than 99 percent of the craters thus formed has vanished, erased by the effects of wind, water and living things.
The Sun produces more energy every minute than all the energy used on Earth in a whole year.
Four million tons of hydrogen dust are destroyed on the Sun every second.
The tails of comets generally point away from the Sun whether the comet is approaching or receding.
On this date:
In 1793, George Washington held the first presidential cabinet meeting at his house.
In 1859, a lawyer first used a plea of insanity to prove a defendant's innocence.
In 1868, Andrew Johnson was impeached for violation of the Tenure of Office act.
In 1932, immigrant Adolf Hitler was given German citizenship.
In 1969, the spacecraft Mariner 6 was launched for a fly-by of Mars.
In 1998, Pamela Lee had husband Tommy Lee arrested for a battery charge.
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