Monday September 17, 2001 |
| Online since 1994
Painting over the fear
Students and locals join forces to send a patriotic message
The Harris family never misses church, but yesterday, standing atop "A-Mountain", they felt this particular Sunday called for a different kind of service.
Lisa Harris, along with her husband and two young daughters, was one of more than 70 Tucsonans and University of Arizona students who teamed up yesterday morning to paint "A-Mountain" red, white and blue - a patriotic tribute to the country after Tuesday's terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, D.C.
Feature Photo
KEVIN KLAUS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Nearly 25,000 people gathered to display their patriotism by creating a human flag Saturday morning at Tucson Electric Park. Pictures of the flag will be made into postcards to be sent to the families in and around New York City, and will be put onto a billboard in New York City as a way to display Arizona's support for the victims.
Photo Spread
The Daily Wildcat Online's on-going photo documentary
Clubs raise money for attack victims
Several groups pass out red, white and blue ribbons in exchange for donations
Several UA clubs raised money to donate to charitable organizations assisting with relief efforts for victims of Tuesday's terrorist attacks.
Scott Coffey, vice president of Pi Kappa Alpha, said his fraternity, along with the Alpha Phi sorority, passed out red, white and blue ribbons on the UA Mall last week.
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Miss Consistency
Talbot strives for team, not personal success
When one thinks of UA superstar athletes, athletes such as Jason Gardner, Bobby Wade, Dana Burkholder and many others come to mind.
Letters to the Editor
U.S. not always the good guys
In his piece, "It's time to take it personally," (Friday) Shane Dale exemplifies perfectly the naïve assumptions about U.S. foreign policy that most Americans maintain. Neither our educational system nor our corporate media ever let us know what's really going on overseas, although all the evidence is there if you somehow, spontaneously develop a desire to seek the information yourself.
Dancing away the pain
Where to begin?
Only a week ago I wrote a frivolous column comparing Tucson to New York. And now an unprecedented tragedy has ripped a great yawning hole through the heart of that city and thousands of its citizens. Life in the United States seems to have changed forever, as much from the new climate of fear and insecurity as from the sheer terror of the event itself.
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