Thursday November 1, 2001
Staffing problems add to trauma centers woes
Nursing shortage has UMC officials worried
Even if the state agrees to spend $4.3 million to help keep both local trauma centers open through the end of the year, hospital officials say there are not enough nurses at UMC to keep its trauma center running at full capacity.
A nationwide nursing shortage has found its way to Tucson and is raising concern among officials at University Medical Center. It appears money is not the only cause for the potential shutdown of UMC's trauma center Dec. 31.
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Fast facts:
Humans have about 80,000 genes in their DNA.
At the current rate of U.S. energy consumption, the sun's production each second is enough to supply the electrical need of the United States for 50 million years.
In the French court of Louis XI, ladies lived mainly on soup because they believed that excessive chewing would cause them to develop premature facial wrinkles.
While reading a page of print, the eyes do not move continually across the page. They move in a series of jumps, called "fixations," from one clump of words to the next.
Chocolate contains two types of stimulants: caffeine and theobromine.
On this date:
In 1512, Michelangelo's paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome were revealed to the public for the first time.
In 1755, an earthquake felt across the European continent destroyed Lisbon. The earthquake caused the destruction of property, fires and a tsunami.
In 1848, 12 students were admitted to the first medical school for women only, the Boston Female Medical School. The school was founded by Samuel Gregory.
In 1864, as a safe way to pay by mail, money orders were sold by the U.S. Post Office.
In 1870, the United States Weather Bureau made its first observations of the weather. Until then, observations were the responsibility of the Signal Corps of the United States War Department.
"America will not allow terrorists to use our hospitality as a weapon against us."
-Attorney General John Ashcroft, as he warned that even people who endorse terrorism will be kept outside the U.S. borders or deported.
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