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Arts Briefs

By Anne Owens
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday Jan. 28, 2002

Tucson seeks rising stars

Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Tucson community currently seeks exhibitionists.

Those with a taste for the classics are invited to audition for the Tucson Community Theatre's "Romeo and Juliet." The auditions will be held Feb. 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. at the Randolph Arts Center, 200 S. Alvernon Way. The play will run for eight performances in early June at the DeMeester Outdoor Performance Center in Reid Park. Call 791-4663 for additional information.

Those who don't take to Shakespeare can audition anytime for an April event featuring jugglers and street performers. Auditions are by appointment only from 3:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Call the Educational Enrichment Foundation at 325-8688 to schedule an appointment.

A cappella chorale performs final concert

Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Lane Justus Chorale, which has been performing a cappella choir music in Tucson for 16 years, will give its last performance Feb. 3.

The concert begins at 3 p.m. and will take place at Saints Peter and Paul Church located at 1500 N. Campbell Ave. Admission is free.

The concert will feature classic motets sung in authentic cathedral style. Works performed will range from Renaissance to contemporary pieces.

The Tucson Arizona Boys Chorus will open the concert, and later, the two choirs will join for three selections, including Palestrina's "Sicut Cervus."

"The Lane Justus Chorale represents a labor of love," said the ensemble's founder, Lane Justice, in a press release. "It's a gift to our community, a means by which portions of our rich heritage of unaccompanied sacred choral music may be shared with our audiences."

Since its formation, the group has produced five recordings, with a sixth and final CD titled Legacy, due for release in May.

Shatner, Hamlin promote new independent film

Associated Press

William Shatner

EDINA, Minn. - William Shatner and Harry Hamlin found that making an independent film is a piece of cake. Promoting it is the challenge.

The two actors were in the Twin Cities Friday for the premiere of the farce "Shoot or Be Shot," a parody of Hollywood.

Their day started around 6 a.m. and ended at 10 p.m. The schedule included a series of radio, TV and newspaper interviews and public appearances, delayed repeatedly by fans.

"This is not a big-budget movie," said Hamlin. "We're doing it because we love the story, and we love the characters. We love the movie."

"Star Trek" icon Shatner plays an escapee from a mental hospital who has written a movie script; Hamlin, best known for his role on television's "L.A Law" plays a sleazy B-movie producer.

Pima Community College offers arts workshops

Arizona Daily Wildcat

The Pima Corporate and Community Education offers "That's Art Biz" twice this semester.

Offered since 1988, the workshop focuses on helping hopeful artists to survive professionally by addressing issues such as pricing work and marketing art, as well as helping with time management and goal setting.

The workshop runs March 22-24 and again May 17-19. The workshop cost is $75 plus registration. Call Pima Community College at 206-6468 for information, location and registration.


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