New kids on the block
Wednesday morning, residence halls opened their doors and instantly the lazy calm of summer was shattered.
The recently vacant parking lots filled to capacity and students began to move in. Most weren't forced to make the transition into college alone.
Where there was a new student there was almost inevitably a cluster of family and friends lending their services as baggage carriers and givers of emotional support.
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Manhunt on for alleged serial rapist
Detectives link James Allen Selby's DNA to five local sex crimes, plus ten other assaults
A warrant issued for a man suspected in several campus area sex crimes has left UA students and the campus community with heightened concerns for safety as police engage in a multi-state manhunt.
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Dean pulls Delta Chi recognition
Dean of Students Melissa Vito stripped UA recognition from Delta Chi fraternity in May for numerous hazing activities reported last August and September. The violations included paddling, furnishing of alcohol to underage students, "Roman Chair" calisthenics ÷ in which pledges were made to squat in the position of chairs for extended periods of time ÷ and yelling at and ridiculing pledges.
With loss of UA recognition, Delta Chi cannot participate in homecoming or recruitment during rush and cannot co-sponser activities like Spring Fling until at least 2004. The fraternity is no longer listed among fraternities on UA Web sites or recruitment literature and cannot participate in awards ceremonies, Vito said.
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Students ready to wrestle for seats
Not going to class the first day could cost students their seat
Getting courses isn't difficult to quite the degree UA administrators in the spring had predicted it would be, but students squeezing into a newly gained seat at this point in the semester will find the fit a tight one.
One hundred and twenty-eight classes were cancelled in February as a result of budget cuts, leaving deans and department heads to wonder where they were going to put large undergraduate classes who had packed the classroom in the current year.
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Porno video features ASU student government VP
UA student body president: This will not be tolerated at UA
Arizona State University president Michael Crow said Thursday that disciplinary action would be taken against ASU fraternities and fraternity members ÷ including the executive vice president of the student government at the Tempe university ÷ who took part in making a pornographic video that included sex on a campus lawn, porn stars and a sexual scavenger hunt.
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Union fence moved off Mall
Reopening of UA Mall means completion of union on the horizon
For the first time in her college career, VŽronique Bredas experienced the UA Mall she saw in her viewbook, after student union construction workers moved a fence off the Mall last week.
This fall will be the first time students can use the whole Mall after two years of it being partially closed off for one construction project after another.
Bredas, a nutrition junior, has attended UA during the last year of construction of the Integrated Learning Center and last school year when the section of the Mall directly east of Old Main, was fenced off for construction of the Student Union Memorial Center.
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Degrees may be axed
Regents set to eliminate five bachelors, masters and doctorate degree programs that turn out small graduating classes
Five degree programs will be cut from UA's course offerings and three other programs will be merged with different programs over the next four years, if the Arizona Board of Regents ratify Provost George Davis' proposal at their next meeting.
Under the plan, the bachelor of science in atmospheric sciences, doctorate in educational leadership, master of science in exercise and sports science, master of science and doctorate in range management and master of science in water resources administration would be eliminated due to low graduation rates.
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LifeLine gives students free, safe transport
A free 24-hour emergency transport service designed to help students in danger will be available for UA student use for the first time this fall.
Student LifeLine ÷ established in New York in 1988 to bring teens home and avoid threatening dates or drunk drivers ÷ is coming to UA to provide students a safe way to get to a hospital, women's shelter, police station or residence.
"It should be a great program," said UA student body president Doug Hartz. "It's taken relatively no investment."
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Summer campus sees news while students holiday
Regents approve presidential pay raise
In June, the Arizona Board of Regents approved a $148,394 pay raise for President Peter Likins.
After the raise, Likins' total salary package jumped to $468,394 a year, or 46 percent more than he previously earned. His salary will increase by $25,750 alone, while his pension plan will nearly quadruple in size.
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Campus Briefs
Wilbur's weapons confiscated
Wilbur the Wildcat ÷ one of the most recognizable UA logos ÷ has been redesigned after the university identification committee found him in violation of a campus gun ban last year. The ban only affects caricatures of Wilbur appearing on T-shirts and other UA paraphernalia. The Wilbur mascot that walks around the sidelines of UA basketball and football games was already disarmed years ago. The new logo, which was the only UA logo affected by the gun ban, was unveiled Wednesday along with several other new UA logos. The Arizona athletic logo was also changed when a desert scene was added.
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Fast facts:
Until the 1970s, Jessica was a very unusual name. William Shakespeare, who may even have made up the name, called Shylock's lovely daughter Jessica in The Merchant of Venice. But it was not until recently that large numbers of people began choosing this name for their daughters.
The percentage of income tax paid by the average American has more than doubled since 1953. In 1953, the average family paid 11 percent of its income in taxes. In 1976 it paid 23 percent.
The gloves worn by professional boxers weigh a regulation 8 ounces. The Golden Gloves, on the other hand, weigh 10 ounces.
Bangladesh is the most densely populated non-island region in the world, with more than 1,970 humans per square mile.
There have been about 30 films made at or about Alcatraz, the now-closed federal prison island in San Francisco Bay, including The Rock (1996), Birdman of Alcatraz (1962), and Escape from Alcatraz (1979).
On this date:
In 1498, Michelangelo, master artist, was commissioned to sculpt the "Pieta!"
Liberia was proclaimed an independent republic in 1847.
The St. Louis, Missouri, school board established the first public school kindergarten in the United States in 1873.
It was announced that an intercontinental ballistic missile was successfully tested by the Soviet Union in 1957.
Chun Doo-hwan, the former military leader of South Korea, was sentenced to death in 1996.
In 1940, at the World's Fair in New York City, Arno Rudolphi and Ann Hayward were married while suspended from parachutes.
"This assassination of my character appears to be part of a government-run effort to show the American people that it is proceeding vigorously and successfully with the anthrax investigation."
- Dr. Stephen J. Hatfill on being a suspect in last Fall's Anthrax attacks.