Ankit Shah, computer science junior
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday February 25, 2003
Computer science junior aspires to be a computer nerd, prefers Îbelly-button' over Înavel'
WILDCAT: So, are you a computer nerd?
SHAH: No, not really, but I would want to be.
WILDCAT: You want to be?
SHAH: It's kind of my dream. You know, to have all those weird haircuts and big glasses.
WILDCAT: And the pocket protector, don't forget the pocket protector. Cool. Do you snort when you laugh?
SHAH: I don't.
WILDCAT: You might want to start working on that, you know that is a very important asset to nerdy-ism.
SHAH: That's what I am saying. I am not yet a nerd, but I will get there.
WILDCAT: Where do you stand on the computer nerd ranks? Are you a pseudo-nerd, an almost master nerd? A cherry nerd? Just kidding.
SHAH: I am still on the wannabe level.
WILDCAT: You're still too cool to be a computer nerd, right? Come on Ankit, you gotta work on that. I hear they have some really good computer nerd training here at the good ol' UA.
SHAH: They do. It's entry level for computer nerds.
WILDCAT: Computer nerds in training. But what if you never pass the class? You'll never be a nerd.
SHAH: We just tell them to select a new major.
WILDCAT: Do you like when people call belly-buttons navels?
SHAH: Not really.
WILDCAT: ÎCuz that reminds you too much of an orange, right? And I just couldn't imagine having a giant orange sticking out of my stomach.
SHAH: I'm not really crazy about it.
WILDCAT: About navels or about oranges?
SHAH: About navels.
WILDCAT: I see. What if your navel was an orange and you had a never-ending supply of orange juice, would you like it then?
SHAH: Nah.
WILDCAT: Yeah, that would be pretty weird to just have a growth on your tummy.