Jessie Upton planetarium employee
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday March 4, 2003
Capricorn planetarium employee likes Alaska, doesn't mind being low on totem pole
WILDCAT: You're part of the choir. If I was to make a musical of your life, what would be the name of the hit number?
UPTON: That's hard, I have to be creative. What would yours be?
WILDCAT: I think mine would be · wait a second, you don't get to ask the questions here. You're the one on the spot.
UPTON: Alaska, land of wonder.
WILDCAT: Are you from Alaska?
UPTON: No, but I've been there, once.
WILDCAT: Oh, um, okay. That is kind of random.
UPTON: Well, that's what my musical would be, random.
WILDCAT: Hey, if you were part of a totem pole, would you be on the top or bottom?
UPTON: I'd probably be at the bottom because I'd be a strong support.
WILDCAT: Oh, you're so nice. I'm pretty unstable so I'd be on the top.
UPTON: So, you could fly away?
WILDCAT: No, so that in case I fell I would be the only one harmed. Actually I'm really stable, I just like to be at the top, it makes me feel super-important.
UPTON: That's a bold statement.
WILDCAT: I'm all about bold statements. Anyway, when's your birthday?
UPTON: January 2nd.
WILDCAT: So, what is your zodiac sign?
UPTON: Capricorn.
WILDCAT: Do you believe in all that zodiac stuff?
UPTON: Sometimes, it depends.
WILDCAT: I think it's a bunch of baloney. Really, my sign is a Ram, I am not very rammy.
UPTON: I'm a fish and a ram.
WILDCAT: Nice. Yeah, that is not a cute animal. Who thinks of these things?
UPTON: I don't know.
WILDCAT: And what about fortune cookies? The other day I got one that said, ÎYou are competitive.' What the crap? That is not a fortune, that's a statement.
UPTON: I know. I hate that. You would think they would make a distinction between the two.
WILDCAT: That's what I'm saying.