Adam Boudreaux atmospheric sciences freshman
By Arek Sarkissian II
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday April 15, 2003
Freshman Ducks fan really likes On Deck sandwiches, also eats a fair amount of pizza
WILDCAT: Is that normal for you on a Monday night, a sandwich from On Deck Deli?
BOUDREAUX: It's about a three-night-a-week thing.
WILDCAT: A three-night-a-week thing? You're in love with that place, aren't you?
WILDCAT: You should invest stock in that place or something. Get your money back! Well, for the four other nights what do you have?
BOUDREAUX: I usually have pizza, spaghetti from over there.
WILDCAT: You never bust out, you're never all, "I'm going to get some shrimp scampi from Red Lobster?"
BOUDREAUX: Sometimes we barbecue burgers in the dorm, but that's about it.
WILDCAT: Barbecue burgers? What, is that a code word? I do police beat too, so I've heard it all, "I'm sorry officer, we were barbecuing burgers."
BOUDREAUX: No, it's legal.
WILDCAT: Oh really! Tell me another one, Mr. Politician! Well, shouldn't you be studying or something?
BOUDREAUX: No, I'm a freshman.
WILDCAT: What are you studying?
BOUDREAUX: Atmospheric sciences, I'm the last one because they're canceling it.
WILDCAT: How do you feel about that?
BOUDREAUX: I'm not too happy about that, but you've got to do what you've got to do. I get private help from the professors too.
WILDCAT: Did you ever work with Ben Herman? (an atmospheric sciences professor).
WILDCAT: That guy is awesome. He was the one that told me don't always trust that Jimmy Stewart on KVOA. You know him right?
BOUDREAUX: Yeah, I know him.
WILDCAT: Are you local?
BOUDREAUX: No I'm from Anaheim.
WILDCAT: Anaheim, Anaheim · Texas?
WILDCAT: Oh! California. Are you a Ducks fan?
BOUDREAUX: Yeah I hope they don't blow it.
WILDCAT: Cross your face, man, I'm a Red Wings fan. They'll go all the way, trust me!