Jael Walker Administrative Associate in the Dean of Students Office
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Summer Wildcat
Wednesday June 11, 2003
Admin Associate says you can't kill to get a 4.0, debates the diligence of woodchucks
WILDCAT: People kinda have to filter through you before getting in contact with the dean, right?
WALKER: Not really. Anybody who is available can get through to the dean.
WILDCAT: What is the most common question or concern people seem to have when they contact the dean of students?
WALKER: It varies. We get calls from not being able to find a class open, or vendors who had a student write a bad check and want us to do something about it.
WILDCAT: That is an interesting concern. I hope they don't catch me. Just kidding. So, I am sure you have heard some interesting concerns in there.
WALKER: Yes, I think the popular one is toward the ends of the semester. People call up and ask, "Is it true that if my roommate dies I automatically get a 4.0 GPA?"
WILDCAT: I've often wondered that myself, not so much now though. Anyway, what is the answer to that question that thousands of students are dying to know · no pun intended.
WALKER: No. That's never been the case.
WILDCAT: There you have it folks! Stop plotting your roommate's death because you'll still have to go to class. So, how long have you worked in the dean's office?
WALKER: I've been at the UA since '86.
WILDCAT: What do you like most about your job?
WALKER: Our office is the heart of the campus. It's like where everybody comes to get information.
WILDCAT: Jael, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
WALKER: Lets say 5,000, give or take a few.
WILDCAT: And why that much?
WALKER: I guess because if the woodchuck is a diligent one and a dedicated little woodchuck then he would get it done on time and not have any distractions.