Pavlos Michaelides MIS senior
By Rebekah Jampole
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday October 29, 2002
MIS senior, orchestra violinist loves being human, sometimes plays stomach in the shower
WILDCAT: What instrument do you play?
WILDCAT: How long have you been playing?
MICHAELIDES: For 11 years.
WILDCAT: And what color was your first violin?
WILDCAT: That's boring. Have you ever had any fun- colored violins?
WILDCAT: Would you ever consider a hot pink violin, just for kicks?
MICHAELIDES: What do you mean?
WILDCAT: Like, bright "Whoa" pink.
MICHAELIDES: Uh, no. Maybe I would like bright brown.
WILDCAT: Nice. So, do you like wearing a tux? Do you feel like a penguin?
MICHAELIDES: Yes, sometimes.
WILDCAT: Do you ever slide around on your belly?
WILDCAT: If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?
MICHAELIDES: I wouldn't like to be an animal. It's better to be a human.
WILDCAT: Dude, we're pretending. If your life depended on turning in to an animal, what animal would you be?
MICHAELIDES: I won't answer that question.
WILDCAT: You're stubborn. I think you would be a mule. Let's talk about music. You seem to like that. Do you ever play songs on your cheeks?
WILDCAT: Any of your body parts?
MICHAELIDES: I play on my stomach sometimes.
WILDCAT: Oh, so you'll play music, but you won't slide on it all penguin style, I see.
MICHAELIDES: I play my stomach in the shower.
WILDCAT: Really? Do you sing in the shower? I do. But I hate in when I have shampoo in my hair and I start to sing and the suds get in my mouth. Yuck!
MICHAELIDES: I think most people sing in the shower.
WILDCAT: Do you have a favorite song?
MICHAELIDES: No. What kind of questions are these?