Jeremy Young Music composition freshman
By Nate Buchik
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday November 12, 2002
Freshman saxophonist chats about Pink Floyd, Tool, Waldo and a Homecoming ass-kicking
WILDCAT: So what instrument do you play?
YOUNG: I play the sax.
WILDCAT: How long have you played?
YOUNG: Since seventh grade.
WILDCAT: Are you really into music?
YOUNG: Yeah. I love music.
WILDCAT: What kind of music do you like?
YOUNG: Blues and jazz, mostly.
WILDCAT: What are your favorite bands?
YOUNG: Pink Floyd and Tool.
WILDCAT: Oh, so you like the one-hit wonders?
YOUNG: I don't really think Pink Floyd is a one-hit wonder.
WILDCAT: If you were in a band, would you want to be a one-hit wonder?
YOUNG: No, because they're cheesy and they only have one hit, so they don't make any money. They end up on VH1 and people laugh at them.
WILDCAT: Would you rather be a no-hit wonder?
YOUNG: Actually, yeah. I wouldn't want to be in a shitty band.
WILDCAT: But it's all about the money, right?
YOUNG: No, it's all about the music.
WILDCAT: You know, your shirt looks like Waldo's.
YOUNG: They're actually called Waldos.
WILDCAT: Did you ever watch the "Waldo" show?
YOUNG: No, I didn't realize there was a show.
WILDCAT: See, I told you.
WILDCAT PHOTO EDITOR: No, there was a show!
WILDCAT: Could you find Waldo?
YOUNG: Yeah, it was easy. I always read the books.
WILDCAT: I don't think there was much reading involved. For me it was hard to find. He was a tricky bastard, that Waldo.
YOUNG: I never had a problem with it. You just have to have a keen eye.
WILDCAT: So did you play at Homecoming this weekend?
YOUNG: Yeah.
WILDCAT: We got our ass kicked.
YOUNG: Yeah. We got our ass kicked bad.