DAVID HARDEN/Arizona Daily Wildcat
TD Rowe employee Jim Phillips puts finishing touches on an air hockey machine in the Gameroom in a newly opened section of the Memorial Student Union.
By Devin Simmons
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday January 15, 2003
Looking for a bottle of Happy Fragrance to add to the pleasure of an evening out with a significant other? Or perhaps some sunscreen to ward off the dangerous rays of a merciless Arizona sun?
In the past you would have had to get in your car and head to the mall, but not anymore.
A Clinique cosmetics center is one of the new additions to the Student Union Memorial Center, which is scheduled to have its official grand opening celebration on Feb. 17.
The Clinique counter, located inside the UofA Bookstore, sells a variety of cosmetics, including soaps, makeup, sunscreens, and fragrances, said Siena Ishinabe, a marketing and international business senior and an employee for Clinique.
Ishinabe is confident that there will be a great deal of student interest in Clinique's products.
"I have already had a bunch of people come by and check it out," Ishinabe said. "A lot of students already use Clinique products. Now, instead of having to get in your car and go to the mall, students can get what they want right here, at the same prices they would had they gone to the mall."
Lindsay Dragoo, a business freshman and a Clinique user, said the makeup counter was a great idea.
"I think it's very convenient," Dragoo said. "A lot of freshmen girls who don't have cars or can't drive will be able to get what they need right on campus. I am looking forward to seeing all that the union will offer when it is completely finished."
Other students aren't quite as enthusiastic.
Graphic by Francisco Tavares
The newly remodeled Student Union will celebrate its grand opening in February. Some new stores and services, such as a hair salon and a game room, are open now, while others won't be ready until the Feb. 17 ceremony.
"I think the whole idea of a makeup counter is kind of crazy," said Heidi Mattson, an education freshman. "This is a bookstore, not a mall."
The decisions for what was included in the new student union were primarily based on a survey conducted over four years ago that allowed students to give their input about what they wanted in the new union, said Bill Shiba, assistant director of the Student Unions.
Other services which will be open today include: The Great Clips Hair Salon, which is offering haircuts for $2.99, located on the main level; The Reddington Room Restaurant on the third level; and the game room and The Cellar in the basement of the union. Also, an Italian restaurant called Three Cheeses n' a Noodle, located on the third level, should be open by the end of next week, Shiba said.
Shiba also noted that the blue construction fences surrounding the union will be gone, and though the building is not completely finished, people will be able to walk through the whole of it.
Another new addition to student union services ÷ a Wells Fargo cyber-bank store ÷ will not be open until the grand opening of the student union on Feb. 17, said Suellyn Hull, assistant director of CatCard services.
Wells Fargo will be the new banking partner for the CatCard. Students who have a Wells Fargo account will once again be able to use their CatCards as an ATM debit card, said Hull.
The "cyber-store," which will be located in the retail corridor off of the food court, across from STA Travel, will have a number of computer terminals with Internet access that will enable students, faculty, and staff to conduct online banking, Hull said.
The banking branch will not have teller lines for depositing checks, but there will be two ATMs, and several personal bankers to assist those people looking into things like car and real estate loans, Hull said.
"We are extremely excited about having a national bank partner," Hull said. "This will provide students with a wide variety of services that they didn't have access to before with their CatCards."
Plans for other services, which should be completed sometime in February, include a Chick-Fil-A and a Louie's cheesesteak restaurant in the food court, a computer lab in the basement, and a CD store on the main level, Shiba said.
"The immediate goal is to get everything operational," Shiba said. "Also, we look forward to the grand opening which will be a wonderful opportunity for everyone on campus to get a real feel for what's been done."
The grand opening celebration will be a weeklong event starting Feb. 17 with a ribbon cutting and dedication service at noon, and continuing until Feb.22. The celebration will include entertainment, performances, daily giveaways, food specials, and more, according to the Student Unions Web site.