Nicole Walts Pre-nursing freshman
By Rebekah Kleinman
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday January 22, 2003
Pre-nursing freshman OK with blood and guts but worms make her nervous and she doesn't like paint
Wildcat: So blood and all that kind of stuff don't bother you?
Wildcat: Really? What is the most disgusting thing to you?
WALTS: Worms.
Wildcat: You can deal with people's intestines, which kinda look like giant worms?
WALTS: Yeah.
Wildcat: Did you ever have to dissect earthworms when you were younger? I'm not a big fan.
WALTS: I know.
Wildcat: Did you ever have to dissect owl pellets?
WALTS: Yeah.
Wildcat: Why did they make us touch disgusting things like that? Really, I do not feel any smarter having reassembled a mouse from owl turd.
WALTS: I don't think so either.
Wildcat: Anyway · so how has your semester started out?
WALTS: Good. A lot better than last semester.
Wildcat: Definitely. Do you have a tough schedule?
WALTS: Yeah, not too bad actually. I dropped an 8 a.m. art class, so ·
Wildcat: Well done. If you had the choice of either having paint squish out of your shoes when you walked or constantly having sand in your toes, which would you choose?
WALTS: Umm · would there always be sand in my toes?
Wildcat: Yes.
WALTS: And would the paint squirt out from my toes or just my shoes?
Wildcat: From your feet. Yes, you'd have paint-shooting ducts in your feet.
WALTS: Then the sand.
Wildcat: Very interesting.
WALTS: Yeah, otherwise I'd get everything all painty.