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photo Campus fights change

A diverse group of 200 people attended yesterday's Campus Town Hall to express concerns to President Pete Likins and Provost George Davis about their proposed budget cuts and program eliminations.

Members of the School of Information Resources and Library Science were among those who showed up waving colorful signs with messages such as "Got info? We need a library school!" to protest the cuts. [Read article]

Basketball team denies vandalism

Players accused of robbing Kansas vending machine

Saturday afternoon the Wildcat men's basketball team stole the game from the Kansas Jayhawks, coming back to win by 17, but now the hotel they were staying at has accused some of them of stealing more than just a win.

Lawrence police responded to a call from the Marriott Spring Hill Suites in Lawrence, Kan., on Saturday after a hotel guest allegedly saw three UA basketball players stealing 80 candy bars and less than $100 from a vending machine inside the hotel, said Stephanie Bowler, the hotel's general manager. [Read article]

photo Sahara renovation angers neighbors

A local developer's plan to turn an old motel into student housing has some members of a historic downtown neighborhood saying, "There goes the neighborhood."

Residents of the Dunbar Springs neighborhood say that turning the Sahara Motor Inn, 919 N. Stone Ave., into the city's first privately-owned undergraduate dormitory will bring crime, noise and traffic into their backyards.

"Sahara would be a huge problem and an incredible negative for our neighborhood," said Barbara Bixby, president of the Dunbar Springs Neighborhood Association. [Read article]

$35.2M cut to UA proposed by state

Move would restrict hiring and cut employee benefits, including retirement plans

PHOENIX ÷ The UA and Arizona Health Sciences Center would lose $35.2 million more in state funding between this academic year and next under a budget-balancing proposal state lawmakers released yesterday.

Under the proposal, the university and the AHSC would lose $15.8 million in state funding by July and an additional $19.4 million next year as legislators try to fill what is now projected to be a $1.3 billion gap between state revenues and expenditures. [Read article]

On the Spot

Armando can wrap a burrito in 15 seconds and would like to own a cow some day

WILDCAT: How long have you worked here?

CANASCO: Uh · three years.

WILDCAT: Holy cow, that's a long time. That's a whole lot of burritos.


WILDCAT: How long does it take to make a burrito?

CANASCO: One minute. I cook the tortilla for one minute. [Read article]



Extended University
· Extended University Class: "The Cure for your Design Problems, " 9 a.m. ÷ 4 p.m. University Services, Extended University Room 301G

· Pruning and Training Shrubs, 9 a.m. Extension Garden Center, 4210 N. Campbell Ave.
· Pruning & Training Shrubs, 1 p.m. Wilmot Library, 530 N. Wilmot Road

Leadership Workshop
· Student Leadership Development Workshops: "Boundaries", 3 p.m. ÷ 4 p.m. Student Union Memorial Center, Tubac Room

Seminar Series
· Hydrology and Water Resources Seminar Series, 4 p.m, J.W. Harshbarger building, Room 206

Writing Workshops
· Graduate Writing Workshops, 4 p.m. ÷ 5 p.m. Modern Languages building, Room 413

· Disease of the Aging Eye, 6 p.m. ÷ 8 p.m. University Medical Center, DuVal Auditorium.
· Dreams and Active Imagination: Tools for Recovery, 7 p.m. ÷ 9 p.m. University Medical Center, DuVal Auditorium

· First annual spring students of color reception, 4 p.m. ÷ 6 p.m, Graduate College Diversity Program House, 1031 N. Mountain Ave.


Collegiate Cocktail


Penn. State University ÷ A Pennsylvania State University researcher found that male groundhogs emerge from hibernation before female groundhogs so they can pay the females a visit.

Stam Zervanos, associate professor of biology at Penn State Berks, observed a male waiting outside a female's burrow. The female came out of her burrow, and the male remained with her for two days before traveling to another female's burrow. Then all three groundhogs stayed alone in their burrows before mating.

÷ Staff Reports

Anti-rush flyer

University of Virginia ÷ Throughout the past week, slogans such as "Be your own person. Join a sorority" and "Don't pay for friends" have appeared on fliers posted across the University of Virginia campus.

Decrying fraternity and sorority rush, the posters have attracted the attention of many students just as sorority and fraternity rush winds down.

Slogans on the fliers urge students not to participate in the rush process for sororities and fraternities.

÷ Brianne Herman/i>

Texas cloning

Texas A&M University ÷ Despite one religious sect's claims to have produced a successful human clone, Texas A&M's cloning efforts will be limited strictly to animals due to moral and ethical issues, said Dr. Mark Westhusin, associate professor of the veterinary medicine department.

"Texas A&M is not at all interested (in human cloning)," Westhusin said.

Clonaid, a human cloning company founded in 1997, announced in December the birth of the first human clone, a baby girl named Eve.

÷ Lecia Baker



Yesterday's "People and Places" incorrectly stated that applications for Arizona Ambassadors were due by Monday at 5:00 p.m. Applications are due on Feb. 17 by 5:00 p.m.


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