KEVIN KLAUS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Business freshman Natalie, who did not want to reveal her last name, gets a spanking while on the Girls Gone Wild bus.
By Jessica Suarez
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Tuesday February 4, 2003
Girls go wild for fame and a free T-shirt, but are not allowed to reveal their breasts
Noted motivational speaker Eminem once said, "Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity, one moment to seize everything you ever wanted, would you capture it or just let it slip?"
In one moment, three ladies at the 8Traxx nightclub, 213 N. Fourth Ave. let their inhibitions and their tank tops slip, and one walked away with the opportunity to compete in the "Miss Girls Gone Wild" pageant. The winner also received $100 in cash and a free trip to Hollywood. Most importantly, she won a coveted spot on an upcoming "Girls Gone Wild," video.
That moment was the culmination of a night of overwhelming testosterone and disappointment for the close to 700 men and about 30 women at the Tucson stop of the "Girls Gone Wild" West Coast tour. Traveling with the tour was "Wild's" creator Joe Francis, as well as a camera crew working on creating footage for the next "Girls Gone Wild," video.
For those not familiar with the "Girls Gone Wild" phenomenon, it all began with Joe Francis, a 29-year-old entrepreneur who had one simple idea.
KEVIN KLAUS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis grabs family and consumer science freshman Meredith Fiori Friday night outside of the Girls Gone Wild bus.
"At a very early age, I realized I liked girls," said Francis. "Shortly thereafter, I realized I liked them naked."
Francis has made millions creating and selling the "Girls Gone Wild," video series, which feature college coeds revealing their breasts at parties, spring break locations, and at Mardi Gras. While his crew travels from city to city by tour bus, Francis travels around the country in his Gulf Stream jet with two pilots.
But men would have seen more bared breasts on a "Girls Gone Wild" video than at 8Traxx. Just before the vote-by-applause contest began, it was announced that Tucson Police would not allow the winner to reveal her breasts.
This was a disappointment to the men, who overwhelmingly outnumbered the ladies in the audience. Maloney's and 8Traxx, the two clubs that hosted the event, sold advance tickets for $10. Admission was $25 at the door.
If I wanted to see breasts, I could have just looked in the mirror
-Girls Gone Wild attendee
"Where are all the girls at?" said Matt Powers, a biology senior who had purchased a ticket in advance. "This is what I came to school for."
"If I wanted to see breasts, I could have just looked in the mirror," shouted another male by the bar.
Although admission was free for women, few were in the audience or on stage. The women that did show up, though, eliminated most of the myths about the "Girls Gone Wild" videos.
Are the girls really in college? For the most part, yes. Production members were on their cell phones with girls who were on their way to the club with their "sisters." They probably weren't referring to family members.
KEVIN KLAUS/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Guys who purchased tickets to attend Girls Gone Wild wait outside 8 Traxx.
Do the girls take off their clothes for free? Again, yes. Each girl was prescreened for their appearance. She would wait outside the bus, walk in with her own clothes, and walk out wearing a "Girls Gone Wild" tank top. The tank top is the only reward "Girls Gone Wild" gives the ladies for their nudity, Francis said.
When the girls found out they would not be able to bare their breasts to help them win audience applause, many of them tucked and rolled their tank tops in order to show as much skin as possible. A few let their breasts accidentally slip from their tank tops, inviting hoots of approval and applause from men in the club.
"It's really crazy. All the girls are just doing everything without any inhibitions," said Arturo Lucero, an undecided junior. In between calls for applause, the girls danced suggestively with men at the club, or fondled each other's breasts and buttocks, while the cameras zoomed in, and slack-jawed men leered.
Though the Tucson stop lasted only one night, Francis said "Girls Gone Wild" would possibly come back for another big night of Tucson public nudity; the basketball finals.
"Sure, we would love to come back," Francis said while balancing a drink in one hand and two young ladies in his lap. Though anyone with a video camera can hit the streets in search of public breast-baring, Francis sees no competition for "Girls Gone Wild."
"There are always going to be imitations," said Francis. "But, what other brand do you know?"