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Dressing up the dorms

Photos by CHRIS CODUTO/Arizona Daily Wildcat
Pre-education sophomore and Yuma hall resident Renee Delp studies on her roommate's bed, which is covered with a reversible comforter.
By Lisa Schumaier
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday August 27, 2003

Residence-hall dwellers make spaces feel like home with personal trinkets and bargain deals

Leaving behind packaging remnants, cardboard boxes and receipts as long as the lines in the bookstore, a new herd of freshmen trampled into the university's dorms last week.

One thing they learned: When you attempt to make an office and a home in something the size of a bathroom, space is of the essence. However, many newbies not only furnished their dorm rooms with limitless storage, but kept their trendy eyes on budget buys.

Kelly Gaulke could not make enough trips to Bed Bath & Beyond. What she had in mind was something completely different from her room at home in Oregon.

"It was really fun because I got to start over. I bought a comforter that is baby blue on one side and yellow on the other and then found striped pillows to match either side," said Gaulke, a pre-business resident of La Paz Residence Hall.

Her most exciting buys: Corkboards to put pictures on, 10 for $4; a metal desk drawer organizer, $3.50; and a shower curtain to conceal a messy closet on those days when it is impossible to re-hang everything you decide not to wear.

The alternative picture was a sad portrait of a freshman who packed only three hours before leaving for his first year of living dorm-style.

"I only brought the basics: Clothes, television, computer. I wish my roommates brought more stuff to decorate," said pre-physiological sciences freshman Zach Fellows, an Arizona-Sonora resident. "If you look at the other rooms, they have posters and things on the wall."

Greg Digiulia was excited when he arrived at his assigned room in one of the stadium halls.

"My roommate already had decorated the room, which I thought was cool," the engineering and physics major said.

Among the surprise furnishings was a carpet ($40, Home Depot) and two plants to make the room feel a little less like solitary confinement.

Another potted plant lover, Coronado's Stephanie Bracken, found a buy at one local store. "It's called Lucky Bamboo ($5, at Target), and it is so easy to take care of," the communications major said.

However, Bracken said her favorite place to make stylistic choices when it comes to dorm living was Linens Īn Things.

"I have a black and red comforter. It's reversible and the whole set was like $30."

Reversible bedding looks like it will be a favorite, especially with students who anticipate lots of sleeping-pill lectures and who will have to do their own laundry.

The other most-loved buy was a pillow with attached armrests.

I put some pictures of friends from high school up, but I didn't want to overdo it because I am in college now ...

Megan Firpo
communication freshman


Completing schoolwork in bed is not only for the sick, but also for students like Bianca Graves, from Arizona-Sonora, that like to lay back after sitting in uncomfortable chairs during classes. The pre-med freshman said it was hard to decide if she could live without a furry blue rug ($8, Wal-Mart).

Her number one store: Wal-Mart.

"I am on the side with the bed to myself so I have a lot of room to decorate," Graves said. "I plan to hang up lots of pictures of my friends."

Ryan Salladay, another Arizona-Sonora dweller, has already hung up a lot of pictures, but these women are not his friends.

"I have posters of girls, you know, to keep me company. I also have a neon Bud sign in the window."

Just enough of a domestic touch to make a mother proud.

"It keeps me in my comfort zone," Salladay, an undeclared freshman, said.

These rooms, wallpapered with reminders of good times and comforting images, have already begun to provide students with aesthetic references they will need to help guide them through the new and hectic atmosphere of a college campus.

"I packed a record player and all my vinyl. Also, movie posters and comic posters," Chris Calilung said.

With all these reminders of home, will there be room on the walls for a new and exciting college life?

Megan Firpo, a communication major at Coronado, reconciled the past few months and the next nine. "I put some pictures of friends from high school up, but I didn't want to overdo it because I am in college now and don't want to dwell on the past."

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