Noah Van Gorden pre-nursing sophomore
By Nathan Tafoya
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Monday, August 23, 2004
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Sophomore walking around UA campus not amused by bathroom antics
Wildcat: Hi, my name's Nathan and you're On the Spot. You guys are carrying around baseball gloves. Just tossing around the ball?
Van Gorden: Yeah.
Van Gorden's girlfriend: (to Van Gorden) It's supposed to be funny.
Wildcat: No, no! It doesn't have to be. Nothing's forced here. Can I tell you a story?
Van Gorden: Yeah.
Wildcat: On Thursday, I went to see "Napoleon Dynamite" and I had to use the restroom. I walked into a stall and I do what I did, you know?
Van Gorden: You did what you did?
Wildcat: Yeah. And someone came in and they sat next to me and then they left. And that kind of bothers me when people do that, because the walls were lined with stalls.
Van Gorden: They did what next to you?
Wildcat: They just sat. They did whatever they did, and then they left. I was like, "Dang, I hate when dudes do that." I got out and washed my hands right? And I turned to the wall to dry my hands and -
Van Gorden: You were in the ladies room?
Wildcat: Yeah. I saw the little tampon 25- cent box. I was looking at it for like five, six seconds. I thought it might be a cologne or condom one. I turned around and looked behind me. The bathroom was all stalls. I was like "Oh my gosh." And I don't know what to think about that - if I should think that's hot or gross.
Van Gorden's girlfriend: It's gross.
Wildcat: I don't know. I feel like I did the forbidden thing. But I also kinda feel like I saw behind enemy lines, you know what I mean?
Van Gorden: Yeah.
Van Gorden's girlfriend: I don't feel like the bathroom is behind enemy lines.
Van Gorden: You got one up on the ladies.
Wildcat: Yeah. That's what I'm thinking. What's behind enemy lines, then?
Van Gorden's girlfriend: I don't want to do this.
Van Gorden: I think she wants to go.