Monday, August 23, 2004
Directive protects students from classroom politics
I recently read the article remarking on President Peter Likins' memo to faculty regarding political activity. For myself, really, I think it's about time. Being a more experienced graduate now and government employee, I have seen the other side of the coin, where professors take advantage of their position claiming to be "open-minded" yet intimidating students who do not agree with them.
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Curiosity doesn't kill the 'Cat
We're not here to win friends, get autographs or sleep with the lead singer.
We're not here to pad our resumés or impress chicks.
And Lord knows we're not here for the pay.
In another life, we might have been gossipmongers and ladies at afternoon tea parties, private eyes and prosecutors, teachers and preachers.
We're here because we want to know - because we pathologically need to know - what's going on.
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This time, it's serious
We here at the opinions desk of your beloved Daily Wildcat are dedicated to informing, educating, entertaining and, more importantly, infuriating the public. Since it is an election year, we've chosen people with expertise in both politics and arguing until they get blue in the face. With no further ado, allow us to introduce the fall 2004 columnist lineup.
Sean Anderson is a junior belonging to the history and English departments. He cites Joseph Conrad, Saint Paul, Alain Badiou, Mao-Tse-Tung and James Brown as his main influences. Anderson cares nothing for your peddling notions so don't bother writing to him. This fall you can catch his musings regarding the pitfalls of U.S. foreign policy as well as the occasional excursion into the absurd and trivial of American and student life in his column, "I Hate Your Freedom."
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