Monday, February 21, 2005
Time to drop tuition lawsuit
Now that tuition-hike season is in full swing (it's the second-most wonderful time of the year), people are coming out of the woodwork to throw in their two cents. This includes the quixotic group of current and former students that are seeking to solve the state's higher-education funding problems through litigation.
This week the plaintiffs, led by former UA student and former state Rep. John Kromko, made their case once again. They argue that because the Arizona Constitution requires all state educational institutions to be "as nearly free as possible," last year's tuition increase was illegal. A state trial judge threw the case out a year ago, but Kromko and associates have moved up to the court of appeals.
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Use service requirement to silence tuition crybabies
Nearly every year, the UA raises tuition. And, almost reflexively, students respond with sobs, moans and foot-stomping. "Tuition is too high." "Life's not fair." "Waah."
One group has even filed suit against the state of Arizona over tuition increases. No, I haven't read their legal briefs, and I don't plan to waste my time with such gibberish.
This illustrates how wrongly students view our education system and our society. More broadly, it shows how warped our priorities have become. The clamor for "my rights" and "what about poor little me" springs from a tacit assumption that has become deeply ingrained in the consciousness of America's youth: We want rights, but no corresponding responsibilities. This is the new culture, the society of "me first."
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Comic mocks Holocaust
As a descendant of Holocaust survivors, I found the cartoon on Page 4 of Thursday's paper extremely offensive. Genocide is not an appropriate subject matter to make light of, no matter the context. Even though I know I shouldn't, I expect better judgment from your editorial staff.
Daniel Blinick business management senior
Don't confuse piercings, advice for healing
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Online Mailbag
Police should have arrested Smock
Besides that I was incredibly offended by Jed Smock's "sermon" on Feb. 14, there is nothing more aggravating than reading how the police decided not to press charges on someone who clearly spat racist, hateful slander toward anyone willing to listen to him. It disturbed me even more to see this asshole the very next day in the same location continuing to do the same thing. But what surprises me even more is that students sit around and listen to the crap spewing from his mouth. I understand some are just so baffled by the statements he makes that they stand and listen to see what Smock will say next. But if no one sits around and gives him an audience, maybe he will go away. Be the bigger person and leave. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to go back to my bagel-making factory because, apparently, this is all I am good for since I am a Jew.
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