Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Now that the ASUA elections are over and the numbers are in, it's time to
engage in a little armchair analysis. You don't need to be a statistician to
have a few figures jump out: ASUA voter turnout is surprisingly low and the
number of women candidates that ran for ASUA president is extremely small.
Compare, for instance, ASUA voter turnout with the U.S. presidential election in
November where an estimated 60 percent of eligible voters showed up. Here at
the UA, turnout percentages for the latest elections hovered in the teens. [Read
Editorial: Thumbs up, Thumbs down |
Mailbag |
Latest Issue: March 10, 2005
The language barriers in the United States speak loudly for those who exist in
smaller countries, like Bosnia-Herzegovina.
In his ongoing mission to help bridge language, cultural and social barriers
between the United States and Europe, Semezdin Mehmedinovic will share his
poems, essays and short stories at the UA later this month.
Born in the northern Bosnian town, Tuzla, in 1960, Mehmedinovic moved to
Sarajevo in 1979 to study comparative literature and library sciences at the
University of Sarajevo, graduating in 1983. [Read
Tucson and Campus Calendar
Girls gone bored: spring break edition
Music |
Asobi blends influences
DFA79 mourn romance
Not your average Jack
Tori is back, again
CD Reviews: Asobi Seksu, Ryanhood, Doves, The Mars Volta, Iron and Wine
Film |
Oscar-winning 'Sea Inside' causes waves of emotion
Video Games |
'Star Fox' lacks challenge
Latest Issue: February 22, 2005
Hookah offers safe and relaxing alternatives
College students are always looking for the newest, hippest and easiest trends
to keep their bored little minds occupied. While smoking weed will always be
fashionable, it's illegal too. As an alternative, locals, young and old, are
getting together to smoke the legal way, with the help of the hookah.
The pastime has become even more popular in Tucson since Roger Smiley and his
wife Sarah opened Smiley's Ultimate Hookah Lounge and Coffee last year. [Read
