Friday, April 8, 2005
The travails of air travel
British author Zadie Smith once described air travel as being "trapped with 300 other strangers of unknown mental health status in a 400 ton aircraft flying 30,000 feet up in the air." Based on my recent flight from Missoula, Mont., back to Tucson, I couldn't agree more.
The security crew at Missoula International Airport consisted of a team of two malicious little men that looked like they'd rather be kicking kittens in a dark alley somewhere. After two agonizing attempts at reading my name on the boarding pass, they narrowed their eyes and told me that all "foreigners" had to undergo a thorough search in the ominous-sounding "Examination Cubicle."
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Cat in microwave not appropriate comic
I am a law student and am president of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund chapter at the James E. Rogers College of Law. It is my group's fervent hope that you will find more appropriate (and funny) subject matter for cartoons to feature in future editions of your newspaper than what appeared before.
I do not often have time to read the Wildcat but today I took the time and, boy, did I wish I hadn't after I saw your cartoon, if you want to call it that. I think almost everything can be turned into something humorous, and we need to be able to laugh at ourselves for sure, but there is absolutely nothing humorous about putting a cat in a microwave. In fact, you are risking crossing the line from entertainment to inciting violence, and that is a crime. Unfortunately, this sort of cruelty to animals happens, and more often than we would like to think. Every single serial killer, from Jeffrey Dahmer to David Berkowitz, got his start in the "business" of murder by torturing and killing animals.
[Read article]