Wednesday, April 20, 2005
First reactions to a new pope
Yesterday, the smoke ran white from the Sistine Chapel, the bells rang and a new pope, the former Josef Ratzinger and now Benedict XVI, was elected. As a cardinal, Ratzinger was known to be doctrinally orthodox. He seems generally intolerant of abortion, homosexuality, ordination of women and acceptance of other religions. We should have been hoping for something more.
If Ratzinger were a comic book character, he'd be The Enforcer - snow-white unitard, burgundy cape, a blazing golden "E" on his chest and special powers of fire and brimstone.
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The facts about marijuana
It's April 20, 4/20 to some. That means no one is in class, or at least those who do attend are wearing sunglasses, sipping on Slurpees and blaring Jimi Hendrix out of their iPods. And for those goody-goodies out there: Don't lie, you wish you had the balls to come to class high today. If you're reading this right now and you are stoned, then be prepared for some real mind-blowing shit. If you are not high, prepare to be educated.
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Greeks committed to tasteful philanthropy
Recently, several articles in the Wildcat have been brought to our attention regarding negative publicity surrounding some philanthropy events planned by a few of our fraternities and sororities. As council presidents representing these fraternities and sororities on the UA campus, we have decided that it is an issue that needs to be addressed.
As a greek community that prides itself on being self-governing, our chapters have been given the ability to program on their own, and the accountability of events and their members has primarily been the responsibility of individual organizations. The guidance for these organizations has not always been consistent where it needs to be. This is not to say that the advisors of our organizations are not doing a great job, however some things being produced by our groups are not in the best of taste.
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