CLAIRE C. LAURENCE/Arizona Summer Wildcat
If there's a list of "dos" and "don'ts" for participating in the art of drinking, getting into a fight, like this one on Fourth Avenue, is a definite "DON'T."
By Evan Pellegrino
Arizona Daily Wildcat
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
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College: That magical time in one's life lush with knowledge, personalgrowth and drinking.
Statistics prove that college and drinking go hand-in-hand. According to datacollected by Campus Health Services, 72 percent of male students and 56 percent of female students studying at the UA consume at least one alcoholic drink per week.
Social drinking can be a fantastic aspect of college life, but it can also bedeadly if ignorantly approached.
Study first, party second ... It's all about balance, people.
Since you won't find "Drinking 101" in the catalog of classes offered at the UA, here's a crash course for those expecting to partake in the array of college's "extracurricular activities."
Rule 1:
Drink for the right reasons. Large colleges can be a little scary at first, and you may quickly discover that drinking can serve as a social lubricant. Drinking may seem like a good prescription for fitting in, but remember, you should be drinking to enhance your social experience, not to create one.
Rule 2:
Be aware of your surroundings. Are your fellow partygoers people you trust? Do you know the people in your group well enough to depend on them to use good judgment?
Rule 3:
Start slowly. Since everyone is different, it's hard to say how much and how often is appropriate. It takes time to figure out how much you can safely consume, in both the short and long term, so take it easy your first couple of years (it's illegal for you young'uns anyway).
Rule 4:
Make your own drink and keep an eye on it. By letting someone make you a drink, you're giving that person a great deal of power. Don't let anyone else decide how level your head is. You are the boss of how much, if at all, you choose to drink.
Rule 5:
Know your mate. Drinking may lead to sex - or at least that's what I hear - so if you find yourself getting physical with someone, try to determine if you would be doing the same thing sober. It may be hard to resist, but seriously, someone's perception of last night's spur-of-the-moment romp being consensual could change come morning.
Rule 6:
Stay put. Ideas that arise after or during a night of heavy drinking are usually no good. Most importantly: Do not drive drunk! I could care less if someone doesn't have regard for his own life, but when someone drives drunk he is putting everyone in the community at risk. Do not let your friends drive drunk. If you do, you're not being a friend; it's as simple as that. It's everyone's responsibility at the UA to make drinking and driving taboo.
Rule 7:
Study first, party second. Remember, your parents think you're here to learn, and they may be paying a lot of money for it. Besides, you'll have more fun when you go out knowing your academic responsibilities are accounted for. Mom and Dad may be inclined to send more money (which can be exchanged for beer) if you're getting good marks. The UA has a proud tradition of both academic excellence and partying. It's all about balance, people.
Rule 8:
Have fun! Cheers, new Wildcats!