Arizona Daily Wildcat
September 2, 2005
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Quotes from around campus and the world
"They make your bed for you and that's nice. But besides that, it's kind of a pain." - Todd Bedrick, accounting senior and would-be Seasons apartments tenant, on having to stay in a hotel while the apartments are being finished
"I have to admit, their voices are pretty loud." - Alex Pelan, history sophomore, on overhearing personal information about topics like birth control and sexually transmitted disease testing while waiting in the lobby of Campus Health
"I think you have a responsibility to get tested if you're sexually active." - Kyle Anderson, psychology freshman
"We hardly have a social life." - Daniel Lugo, French horn player in the Pride of Arizona marching band
It doesn't matter that she's had sex with her best friend. It just hasn't crossed her mind because girls like her aren't supposed to be gay.
- Teresa Simone, actress in the Lesbian Short Play Festival
"I won 28-0 with Arizona ... I got that team spirit." - Will Woods, sophomore, on participating in Electronic Arts' NCAA Football Challenge, a video game
"I really like the American cowboy." - Mateo Innochenti, animal sciences graduate student from Italy, after his experiences riding a bucking bull at the Lazy K Bar Guest Ranch
"Oh my God, it was hell. ... We were screaming, hollering, flashing lights. It was complete chaos." - Kioka Williams, New Orleans resident
"She thought it would be and easy 'A.'" - George Gehrels on having his daughter in class