Monday, September 26, 2005
The hypocrisy of patriotism
Far away in the country of Iraq thousands of American soldiers are fighting to protect our freedom.
They believe they are fighting the war on terror, fighting to stop the spread of terrorism and keeping Americans safe and free from fear.
Locally, at an Arizona Stadium crowded with thousands of people, the national anthem is drowned out by the cheers of obnoxious drunk college students shouting, "F!#@ Purdue" at the top of their lungs.
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Swimming in the desert
"Well, I hope you like the taste of your own piss, because that's what you'll be drinking in 10 years." - Angelica Hancock, "No TV After 11"
Attention ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, students of all disciplines, in case you haven't noticed, Arizona is a desert! And believe it or not, water is a scarce resource. It should therefore be no surprise that soaring demand for the substance has caused a statewide threat of water shortage. The culprit? Why, us, of course, and I'll explain why.
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Creative management could help ASUA budget woes
Although I am a graduate student and not represented by the Associated Students of the University of Arizona undergraduate senate, I have been following the Wildcat's coverage of a recent ASUA senate appropriation of $1,200 to send some ASUA senators to a leadership conference in Denver. Personally, I don't think that the ASUA senators are taking advantage of their position in order to send themselves on a holiday. They are driving to Denver and they are paying for their own food. I think that $1,200 is a small price to pay, given that the senators are likely to bring some good ideas back to the UA.
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