Arizona Daily Wildcat
Friday, September 30, 2005
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"It looks like a war zone."
- ASUA President Cade Bernsen describing his hometown of Beaumont, Texas, after Hurricane Rita struck
"This is a terribly sad, heartbreaking day in Arizona women's basketball. We all love Polkey. Our thoughts and prayers are with Polkey, her family and our Arizona family."
- Joan Bonvicini, Arizona women's basketball head coach, on the death of Shawntinice Polk
"There was this young lady from Hanford, California, who absolutely had a smile that looked more like our Grand Canyon."
- Jim Livengood, UA athletics director, on Polk's sudden death
"She had a lot of friends on the football team. There were a lot of players crying at practice today."
- Chris Canales, biology sophomore and son of Mike Canales, an assistant coach for the football team, on the effect Polk's death has had on the football team
What? I haven't been drinking.
- UA student, with beer can in hand, to a UAPD officer last week. The student later said, "I'm not going to lie to you, I have a beer in my pocket too."
"Married to a good, strong woman for 50 years, raised by a single mom, mentored in childhood by a woman librarian, the father of four daughters and blessed with an excellent cabinet that is half female and two women bosses, I am grateful to many women for their influence in my life."
- President Peter Likins in light of the Women's Plaza of Honor to be dedicated today
"My favorite flavor of ramen is Oriental because it reminds me of home."
- Dat Phan, Vietnamese comedian, on his choice cuisine,
"Last year we got three or four planes together and flew to Chandler for breakfast."
- Viral Shah, engineering management senior and treasurer of the UA Flying Club, on the club's activities
"We have some freshmen, and I tell them, if they're looking for a husband, go find Rachel because she'll find you a husband."
- Lani Elston-Marshall, redshirt senior of the women's golf team on being set up on a blind date with teammate Andy Marshall, her husband-to-be
"If it's a tresspassing, it's a tresspassing regardless if it's a local celebrity or a homeless person."
- Dallas Wilson , an officer of the Tucson PD on the transients near Fourth Avenue