Monday, October 3, 2005
The burning question: Legalize marijuana?
Blame drug suppliers, not users.
Marijuana shouldn't be illegal because it is dangerous (it's not), and it shouldn't be illegal because it's a "gateway drug" (it's not). It should be illegal because of what it does to Latin America.
It is an undeniable fact that every time someone buys marijuana, they are helping to fund a horrifically bloody civil war in Latin America that's been going on for decades. Thanks to Americans' drug money, it shows no signs of stopping.
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The unexploded bomb
There was one thing George Bush and John Kerry agreed on in 2004: Nuclear terrorism presents the gravest threat to our national security today. That was during the first presidential debate. They paused a moment, stared quizzically at each other and shrugged off the similarity.
But the probability that Bush and Kerry could see eye to eye on an issue is still overshadowed by the probability that an American city will face a nuclear holocaust in the next decade - not from a psychopathic North Korean dictator or an Iranian fundamentalist, but from someone outside the realm of interstate politics.
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Supreme Court justices not political candidates
In response to Kaara Karlson's column, "Appoint a chief justice, not an enigma," I have one thing to say: Judges are not politicians. The popularity or unpopularity of their decisions should not govern whether they are fit to serve on the Supreme Court. John Roberts, or any other nominee for that matter, has no obligation to reveal whether the space he occupies on the political continuum is left or right of the middle.
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