Wednesday, October 12, 2005
The new Vietnam?
"We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty."- President John F. Kennedy, 1961 inaugural address
As inspiring as these words are, such rhetoric risks creating obligations that we, not even the U.S., can fulfill. Under this central tenet, the war in Iraq and Vietnam War are similar. Under Kennedy's watch, the first troops were sent to Vietnam in defense of liberty. Likewise, under President Bush's vigilance, troops were sent to Iraq to ultimately make the world safer.
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Writing in the margins: ACLU, atheism taking aim at the religious
In the small village of Tijeras, N.M., an epic battle is brewing. That close-knit community of fewer than 500 people is being forced into a costly legal battle with the American Civil Liberties Union.
What have they done that warrants such fierce opposition from the "defenders" of American civil liberties? In 1973, the citizens of that town voted to redesign their village seal to reflect their cultural heritage, which meant a small cross in the seal.
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Editorial: Flu pandemic the next Katrina
In 1918, the Spanish flu swept through the world and caused a pandemic that no country was prepared for. The avian flu, a virus that has killed 100 million fowl in Asia, has the ability to mutate and become lethal to humans. If it does, experts predict the pandemic could kill 1.9 million U.S. citizens.
The World Health Organization has been stating that a flu epidemic is imminent for months, yet the U.S. government has only recently paid notice. Trickling through press releases and news conferences, the government's response has been lackluster at best.
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Popped collars merely a trend, not relief for the oppressed
In response to Vijay Patel's letter, "Popped collar more than individualism," I must say that this is the most ridiculous thing that I have ever read. The mere fact that you try to legitimize such a stupid fashion trend as popping your collar through science and psychology is outright offensive.
You stated that this trend has "medicinal, psychological and marital characteristics" and that it puts its participants in a "scientific, intimate and anti-depressive state." What sort of evidence do you have to back this up? Are you going to tell me that a depressed individual contemplating suicide has reconsidered only after discovering this trend? No.
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