Tuesday, August 24, 2004
A Wider Lens
Kerry at fault for Vietnam debate
In a time when the United States is faced with threats of terrorism, keeping the economy growing and the continuing problems in Iraq, it wouldn't be surprising if some of these important issues remained part of the pre-election dialogue from the primaries to the general election. What is mildly shocking is that the issue that seems to have received the most intensive media coverage over the course of the campaign season is not listed above.
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Berry Pickings
Blind patriotism apparent in ads attacking Kerry
With the current sociopolitical atmosphere in America, it's not hard to recognize that American citizens are discouraged from disagreeing with the actions of their government.
There is an underlying sense of the necessity of blind patriotism in times of war that controls voices of dissent.
We as Americans are expected to "support our troops," which to most people means this: Don't question why they're fighting or the way in which they're fighting.
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How informed do you think you are as to the presidential candidates and their political positions?
Not very informed. I think I've been informed on the bad things on Bush, but I haven't heard anything good about Bush, and I think there are probably some good things about him. Even though I'm going for Kerry, I think he has some good attributes.
Really informed. I think it is important for people to pay attention because the outcome of this election will determine how the U.S. is viewed internationally. The decisions that that the current president has made have affected many people, not only the Americans - the way people live abroad.
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