Friday, October 21, 2005
National Student Exchange shouldn't be overlooked
Studying abroad is all the rage these days, and for good reason. It can provide immersion in a different culture, exposure to new ideas, opportunity to learn about oneself in an unfamiliar context, a resulting invigorated sense of purpose, and of course, lots of cool pictures.
However, many students cannot logistically or financially manage such a trip across oceans and borders. This is where the frequently overlooked National Student Exchange can help. Living in a new place with a new culture, outside of familiar personal norms, is an essential experience for any college student, and for those who may not have the resources for studying abroad, NSE is an interesting parallel option.
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Pass/Fail: See if these ideas make the grade
Sealing the cracks in ASUA's coffers
Sure, it's only a quarter of the way through the year, but that hasn't stopped the Associated Students of the University of Arizona Senate from burning through the green like it's their "Super Sweet 16" of MTV fame. Having spent more than half of their operating budget already, the spendthrift senators apparently think little of doling out the dough. But operating budgets for the student senate are one thing; now that the coffers for club funding are looking a little low, it's time to rein in this runaway fiscal train. Because the spring semester typically sees a large influx of new members, and because Spring Fling generally requires that more funds are available to clubs, a little planning might be in order. Until then, playing fast and loose with the funds gets a Fail.
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'Real' answers to border problem won't punish immigrants
"A day without an American": What a concept. It isn't surprising to me, as scare tactics and doomsday scenarios are what fuel the anti-immigrant movement in the U.S. Advocating what Kara Karlson equates to be a measure "like Proposition 200 on the federal level" is to support a poorly written and falsely advertised piece of legal "garbage" that does absolutely nothing to solve the problem of illegal immigration.
[Read article]
