Monday, October 24, 2005
Irkutsk, Russia
Envisage a reality, far different from our own, fill it with clichés, fill it with passionless Soviet flats, fill it with nameless people; call it Russia.
To be true to form, let's blot out the sun with dreary, winter-soaked clouds and traipse down muddy Siberian streets. Let's eat at posh sushi bars with Mongolian hostesses (and waitresses named Olga), rub shoulders with burly Mafioso-types, and sit under a statue of Lenin orating to the masses - masses that have been conspicuously absent for some time now.
[Read article]
· Rice goes to Central Asia |
· Mailbag |
Latest Issue: October 20, 2005
Latest Issue: October 18, 2005
What can be said about hair that hasn't been said before? It's important?
Well, it protects our heads from all kinds of calamities: low branches, the hot
Arizona sun, bird poop.
After all, the existence of hair has been a pivotal part of our human
history. The cave men pulled the cave women by it during the Ice Age. Rapunsel
let her man climb up it for wild nights of tower partying and fairy tale sex.
Even today, don't we judge all politicians by the size and greatness of their
hair? (So why didn't Kerry win then?) [Read
article] |