Monday, October 24, 2005
Letter from Siberia: portrait of a city
Irkutsk, Russia
Envisage a reality, far different from our own, fill it with clichés, fill it with passionless Soviet flats, fill it with nameless people; call it Russia.
To be true to form, let's blot out the sun with dreary, winter-soaked clouds and traipse down muddy Siberian streets. Let's eat at posh sushi bars with Mongolian hostesses (and waitresses named Olga), rub shoulders with burly Mafioso-types, and sit under a statue of Lenin orating to the masses - masses that have been conspicuously absent for some time now.
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Rice goes to Central Asia
Ten days ago, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice wrapped up a three-day visit to Central Asia. The main purpose of the trip: to promote democracy and human rights in the region. Despite such noble claims, however, democracy and human rights were the last things on Rice's mind.
Rice's actual rationale for the tour was to help the U.S. save face in lieu of the royal snubbing it received from the region's most powerful players, namely Uzbekistan, a country that had been a staunch ally in the war against terrorism since the Sept. 11 attacks.
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Valid logic behind Arizona sexual assault laws
I am writing in response to Lucy Blaney's letter, "Not saying no not the equivalent of sexual consent." It is easy to understand her point of view as she shares this with many other people. However, I would like to offer another perspective.
There is a reason why the University of Arizona Police Department and its officers, as you say, "discourage sexually violated students to press charges against their assailants." With lack of definitive physical evidence, the case will come down to the victim's word against the assailant's. In hindsight, a female, or even a male for that matter, may lament his/her decision to have sex and claim he or she was assaulted. This can become even more prevalent when alcohol is involved.
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